Beyond the concepts #2 – FinOps Certified Professional

Hey there, how's it going? In today's post, I will share a bit about my journey to become a FinOps Certified Professional certified by the FinOps Foundation. The idea is to discuss the requirements, content, and my impressions of the entire process.

The first and most significant impression I had is that the entire certification process aims not only to certify that a particular individual possesses measurable technical knowledge through objective questions. In fact, the objective questions only appear at the end of a preparatory process consisting of 40 modules filled with substantial content!

For this reason, over the past three months, I have been engaged in learning each of the domains and capabilities, taught and explained in an individualized manner. Additionally, the following were mandatory requirements for completing the final stage of the certification:

  1. Interactive sessions with a teacher and dozens of students from around the world, where we simulated the role of a FinOps Professional within a company presented as a case study;
  2. Preparation of technical summaries evaluated and corrected by the FinOps Foundation team;
  3. Conducting a Webinar as a Service Project requirement;
  4. Development of a Playbook as a Content Project requirement.

Each aspect of the FinOps Framework was meticulously dissected in one of the 34 theoretical content modules, applied in 2 Case Study modules. In the end, my technical and theoretical knowledge was validated through the technical summaries and content produced for the FinOps Foundation.

Today, having completed all the course content, I truly feel qualified to lead and drive the implementation of FinOps culture and best practices. Not because I passed a 100-question quiz at the end of the course, but because I was properly trained, equipped, and closely supported by the FinOps Foundation.

I cannot help but congratulate Professor Jonathan Morley whose immediate feedback and contact allowed my questions and expectations to be addressed and directed along the right path. I even remember asking if I could use this blog as a Content Project, and he suggested that I proceed with the development of a Playbook, as it would give me the opportunity to more effectively demonstrate my technical knowledge and contribute to the community.

And he was right. The development of the Playbook was exhausting and challenging, as I was not even familiar with the topic, and I had to delve into a lot of technical content, which I can now confidently apply in my work. I genuinely hope to see my little “thesis” become a support material for the FinOps Community.


This is a brief account of my experience. I thank the FinOps Foundation for investing in me and granting me a scholarship so that I could become one of the few FinOps Certified Professionals in the world.

I would like to give a special mention to Vitor Collares, IT Consultant – FinOps at B3; as well as Rodolfo dos Santos Silva, Director of the LATAM FinOps Community. These two have been my examples and raised my standards for the professional I need to become! I have learned and continue to learn a lot from your work!

For those who are wondering if the investment and time required to obtain the certification are worth it, my answer is: Without a doubt.

Check the original article in Portuguese here

Pedro S. Drumond
Pedro S. Drumond

I work with FinOps at Beyondsoft Brazil, with emphasis on Microsoft Azure. Programming student with knowledge of C# and Python.

Articles: 10